Tuesday, November 18, 2008

3 Successful Person To Inspire Life

Who is the hottest man now to be crowned “successful man” in the world? No doubt the answer will be –

1. America new president, Barrack Obama

Indeed he has already impressed everyone in the world, showing the world that America is a country where miracle can happen. A black man gaining the trust and support from the white people in America…...This is indeed a huge task and mission impossible.

2. Microsoft Ex-Chairman, Bill Gates

He simply one of the successful person I respect and admire all the times. How many rich person in this world willing to share all his property and donate to the charity ? He has indeed successful to show a very good example to the world. Believing in good and doing for good.

3. 4HWW writer, Timothy Ferris

A normal person like you and me, but manage to become successful through the concept of “Deal with times”. Is one kind of miracle also because seldom people can really make a huge income and fame through online marketing business. He has proved it the potential of online marketing.

World symbol person – Barrack Obama has the ability to change the world. If obama has the kind of thought that black people cannot be the president of America, for another 100 years also we won’t be able to see a black man president in America. So, dare to dreams.

Corporate symbol person – Bill Gates has the ability to change the corporate world. If bill gates simply gave up at the first time Microsoft being introduced, market today will only have apple and dell. So, dare to start from nothing.

Individual symbol person – Tim has the ability to change the mind of individual. Tim can simply walked away and enjoy his life after success but he never do that, he prefer to share and helping more people to success in online marketing – automation income. So, dare to share with others.

All this 3 successful man share one common things…………..
Believing in impossible and dare to challenge the impossible.

May everyone who have read this article can be inspire and looking forward to become successful in life.

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